My journey...

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Having Love Vs Being Judgemental

Lately, there has been a lot of talk about the Kingdom of God. I believe that it is a worldwide thing because our God knows no borders. There is also a lot of people who are dissatisfied about the church system and structures. The way the church is versus what the Kingdom of God is suppose to look like. I was talking to a friend telling him that around me, there is a lot of people who sees this and he just said one thing which made me think about for three days now. He said "Are they dissatisfy because of the love for the church?"

I have been thinking about this. There can be two ways a person respond to that revelation of His Kingdom. Those who are motivated by love and those who are judgemental.

Those who are motivated by love knows that the church is God's way to show love and knows that he or she belongs to the church. Even though how far away the church has swayed away from God's purpose and God's Kingdom. Therefore, with the revelation of the expression of God's Kingdom, this person would want to see how he or she can bless the church. How he or she can live out that expression of the Kingdom of God where they are. To try to motivate others to journey together to see the restoration of the church.

There was this sunday where we had a guest speaker at our church who talked a bit too much about himself and was trying to pomote himself rather than God. Halfway through, God asked me to look at his heart. Though this person seem to be talking about himself, he has a heart for the things of God and this is how he knows to walk out his journey with God. It was then that I saw his heart and began to pray for him and hear him from a different perspective. Hear with the love God has for him.

Those who are trying to be judgemental will always try to be the judge. They see the imperfection of the church and criticise it rather than try to live out their part. Or try to at least pray. The church is not yet perfect but on its way to perfection and thus there will always be things to criticise. There are people who talk about the imperfections of the leaders and just spread that criticism to everyone they meet. How bad things are. How they should be doing things. How they are not doing it right. They are Christians and should act like one. They are there to judge but never really want to change themself. They would just follow the flow but tell everyone how the flow is wrong.

Those motivated by love puts others as priority. People who are judgemental puts themself as priority. Those motivated by love change themseves first and try to walk out what they see. Those who are judgemental want to see change in others but they themself will never really change.

Yes there are a lot of imperfections in the church. Thank God for His grace. We will see His Kingdom come more and more as more people realise that there is more to church life. What is our response. What are we motivated by? DO we really want to see changes in the church or are we so disillusioned by the church that we want to run away or just sit around and talk about it. The church is the people. You and I. Wherever I can, I want to walk out whatever I understand of the Kingdom. I do not understand everything about the Kingdom but by God's grace, He will teach me. Not to judge others why they are not walking like I am but to also extend Grace and try to motivate others to walk with me. May not be perfect but love gives grace.
posted by Janelle at 8:12 AM 0 comments

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Values of the Kingdom

Today we had a speaker from Canada who preaches about the Kingdom of God. Jesus talked about Kingdom many times during His life here on earth. Lately, there has been many talk about the Kingdom and I believe that God is shaking the hearts of His people, those who are wanting to follow Him, challenging them about their Christian life. What does it really mean to be a Christian? What is church all about? They are discontent about the church structures and systems and desire for His Kingdom. No more wanting to "play" church. No more wanting to build a name for themselves or comparing who has the best church program. Asking "How many members do you have in your church?" Who cares!! Am I glad that I serve a living God. A God of grace and mercy who in the condition of the church now still drawing people to Him.

The speaker told us that the Kingdom of God is like the pearl of great prize. Once you find it, you will sell everything you have to gain it. Well, not many if there are any who will sell all they have to follow Christ. Will I?

What is the Kingdom of God like? Are we even close to living it out? The speaker said that the values of the Kingdom is relationship with God and with one another. Everything is built upon love. Building relationships that is worth living for and that you are willing to die for. Taking care of each other yet being missional. Everything that we do has to be reaching out.

There is so much to ponder and so much to learn. I am not even close to living out that Kingdom. If I were to start, there has to be such great costs involve. Costs of my time and finance. Cost of giving up my dreams even for the sake of another person. Yet what we gain is far greater. If you loose your life for My sake, you would find it.

Certainly there are unrests in many hearts and many will be confused because many things we do in "church" looks nothing like what the kingdom is suppose to be. Yet we cannot forsake the dream of the Kingdom. We cannot say "I am out of here". We are the expressions of the Kingdom. Even if it is down to one person to live it out. The Kingdom is contagious. Do not give up on the church. There is hope because we serve a risen God. I am still hoping and learning to live out the kingdom as best as I understand it.
posted by Janelle at 5:13 AM 0 comments

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Lessons from a Cow

All I Need To Know About Life

I Learned From A Cow

Wake up in a happy mooo-d.

Don't cry over spilled milk.

When chewing your cud, remember. . .
There is no fat, no calories, no cholesterol and no taste!

The grass is greener
on the other side of the fence.

Turn the udder cheek and moo-ve on.

Seize every opportunity and milk it for all it's worth!

It's better to be seen and not herd.

Honour thy fodder and thy mother
and all your udder relatives.

Never take any bull from anybody.

Always let them know who's bossy!

Stepping on cow pies brings good luck.

Black and white is always
an appropriate fashion statement.

Don't forget to cow-nt your blessings every day.

posted by Janelle at 8:57 AM 0 comments

Friday, May 18, 2007

Helping People Discover God in Their Journey

The problem with the church today is, we have evangelism and we ask the person, "Do you know where you go when you die?". Then we get them saved but the very next day, they did not die and yet nobody is there to teach them how to live as a christian. All they are told is to attend church. To go for meetings. Join a cell group cause you need to be in "Fellowship" and grow. Then we produce clones. Christian clones who know how to pray, act and know all the right words to say but have lost their originality as a person. We caused them to be so disconnected with the "outside" world that they do not know how to fit in anymore and so they have to find their identity within the church goers or else, they live double lives. Being one person when they are at work and another when they are with church people.

After having said this, I am part of the church and very much grew up in such an environment. Participated in its "activities".

This week, I suddenly came to realisation that even though I say so much about this, I still live according to what I have learnt since I became a Christian. I have to re-examine my motive when I was being nice to people. Whether I am nice to them cause it is a good "Christian" thing to do or am I really interested in being a friend. Do I just want to retain them into the system of church so that they do not stray away because the church cannot loose its members or am I concerned about them as a person whom God loves. To help them to find God in their journey whether or not they decide to stay in our church or switch church. I must say part of me is being nice just cause it is my Christian duty to.

I am reminded of the verse in 1 Cor 13. If I speak in the tongues[a] of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames,[b] but have not love, I gain nothing.

Am I doing things because of love for them? Are we helping people find God in their journey? Are we releasing them to their destiny? Are people serving the programs of the church or is the church serving the people? Are we more concerned for the person rather than numbers in our church?
posted by Janelle at 7:59 AM 0 comments

Monday, May 14, 2007


I was watching a chinese movie about the ancient day china. Where there is the emperor and his subjects. This particular emperor summoned a commoner to have dinner with him. Upon tasting the finest food fit for the king the commoner commented that the food is cold. The king then said "Of course it is cold. Do you know how far the food have to travel because the palace is so huge. Plus they have to prepare it earlier so that the food taster could taste the food and to make sure that the food is not poisoned. So by the time the food reaches me, it is cold."

The commoner then said "How I am longing for the hot steam bun. That tastes much nicer than the cold dishes."

Could you imagine how the emperor could have felt. Everyone wishes to be the emperor yet in the simple things such as food, he cannot taste what this commoner taste.

Sometimes it is not the finest things in life that makes us happy. It is the contentment in our hearts. We can have the finest things and yet not happy with what we have. The simpler things in life may cause us to be much happier. We think that if we have more then we would be happier but only to find that the more we have the more we desire. At times, the simpler life is much better. We need to learn to be happy with what we have.

We could go through life wishing for a better life and missing out on what we have at the moment. When we realise it, it may be too late cause there is so much time that we have wasted and those times cannot be repeated. We are only 22 or 30 or 40 once. We cannot relive an age again.

I guess it is up to us what we want and how we see life. We need to learn to be content.
posted by Janelle at 7:26 AM 0 comments

Sunday, May 13, 2007

What have I been up to?

Have not been blogging cause too many people have asked me about my Turkey trip photos. I need to sort out about 2000 plus pics. I have uploaded some of the pics at my multiply site.

Visit it when you feel like browsing through. Happy viewing.

posted by Janelle at 9:42 AM 0 comments

Thursday, May 10, 2007

My character test

I did a character test and below are the results. hee hee.... for you to get to know me better. It is quite true of me. especially the last bit. Sometimes outgoing, sometimes reserved. I can be an extrovert (Which many think I am) but I like to be alone too. To be with nature. "solitude" hahaha.

You are best described as: USUALLY TAKING CARE OF OTHERS

Words that describe you:

  • Understanding
  • Unquestioning
  • Humane
  • Selfless
  • Gentle
  • Kindhearted
  • Gullible
  • Indulgent

A General Description of How You Interact with Others

Here's one important truth about you: you have a tender heart. Yes, you know that others need to learn to take care of themselves. Yes, you know they need to accept the consequences of their foolish or bad behavior. And sometimes, even when your instinct is to help them, you will let them fend for themselves and let them suffer the consequences of their choices or circumstances.

But most of the time you are there to help when they need you. If they are in trouble, you offer compassion and go out of your way to be helpful. If they need someone who will listen, you are trustworthy and sympathetic. And you are direct with them; when they need advice or counsel, you offer it in a straightforward, direct manner, without beating around the bush.

You're also smart enough to know that you cannot take good care of others if you fail to take good care of yourself, so you listen to your own wants and needs. If you've run out of sympathetic energy, you spend time restoring yourself. If you've ignored your own pain or frustration, you find a friend who will listen well, or go into your own private healing place and give yourself permission to focus on you.

But before long, you're back at it with your friends, offering a sympathetic ear and compassion on which they learn to trust, also giving straightforward advice and counsel when they ask for it. You do know how to take care of yourself, but your genuine interest is in taking care of others.

On the Openness Dimension you are: SOMETIMES CURIOUS, SOMETIMES CONTENT

Words that describe you:

  • Accepting
  • Flexible
  • Educated
  • Self-aware
  • Middle-of-the-road
  • Proper
  • Distinctive
  • Indecisive
  • Adaptable

A General Description of How You Approach New Information and Experiences

Like someone who can sleep comfortably on either side of the bed, you are equally at home with ideas and beliefs that you have held for a long time and with new ways of thinking and believing that grow out of your intellectual curiosity.

Your sense of who you are and what your place is in the world around you rests on values and principles that are the solid ground you walk upon. You've tested them, they work for you, and much of the time you are content to trust them, that is, until some provocative new idea slips in from a conversation, book or some flight of your active imagination. "Hmmmm. What's this. Never thought of it before." And off you go, exploring.

Since you love to learn, you've always been teachable; you absorb new information, which means you are well-educated in things that matter to you. Sometimes your intellectual exploring will lead you back to where you started; the "next new thing" proves too shallow or impractical to you. But once in a while a new idea or belief will dislodge you from the ground you've stood upon; it is so compelling and persuasive that you step away from the tried-and-true and embrace this notion that is brand new to you.

Because you hold both solid beliefs and are open to new ideas, you are accepting of other people and other ways of thinking and believing. You are flexible enough to listen to something new and different, or something outside of your comfort zone; if it works for you, you'll take it in, and if not, you'll let it go. In this sense, you know who you are: you are neither closed-minded nor wildly open-minded, but walk somewhere near the middle of the intellectual road.


Words that describe you:

  • Adaptable
  • Engaged
  • Able to Cope
  • Passionate
  • Perceptive
  • Flexible
  • Receptive
  • Aware
  • Avid

A General Description of Your Reactivity

In some ways, you've got the best of emotional worlds. When emotions rise up from inside you or are brought forth from a conversation by a friend, you know how to engage them. You deal with sadness, fear, joy, anger - whatever comes up - in ways that are perceptive and flexible. You can adapt to whatever level of emotion is appropriate to the moment. At other times, you are able to cope with your emotions in a more reserved manner. Because you are aware of what does and does not make emotional sense in a particular situation, you will decide when it is an appropriate time to express your emotions and when it would be best to keep them to yourself.

All of this gives you a rich emotional life. You are free to express your passions about certain subjects with appropriate people. But you are also emotionally adaptable; if the conversation needs to be more cerebral, you'll keep it "in your head" and talk calmly through whatever issue is on the table. This emotional awareness serves you well. You seldom get in over your head, either by opening up to the wrong person or by triggering in someone else's emotions they may not be able to deal with.

When it comes to Extraversion you are: SOMETIMES OUTGOING, SOMETIMES RESERVED

Words that describe you:

  • Moderate
  • Amiable
  • Laid-back
  • Temperate
  • Relaxed
  • Poised
  • Civil
  • Uncommitted
  • Pleasant

A General Description of How You Interact with Others

Lucky you! You enjoy your own company as much as you enjoy the company of others. You are a great conversationalist and thrive in the wonderful kinds of connections you know how to have with your family and friends. You also equally enjoy your own company, whether sitting in a favorite chair with your book and soft music playing or meandering in the woods by yourself. You like coming home to your family or your roommate; but if no one is home, you find quiet, solitary time to be just as pleasurable. What a great combination to enjoy being outgoing and to be just as comfortable being reserved. Lucky you!!

Because you are so amiable and relaxed, you are comfortable with almost any group of family or friends. Whether they are pumped up and lively or calm and subdued, you remain at ease. If someone needs to take over the conversation, you are comfortable taking the lead; you can also lay back and let someone else be in charge. If the conversation gets rowdy, your moderate demeanor will often draw it down to a more temperate level. If someone in the group loses their cool, you will most likely maintain your poise, and if they get nasty you know how to keep a civil tongue.

You may find yourself out of balance on occasion. If you're alone too much, you may need to get in touch with someone. If you spend too much time with your family and friends, you may need to sneak off for a day by yourself, to putter and read and clear your head of the noise of too much conversation. When you're at your best, you live with a rhythm of time with others, time alone, time with others, time alone It's a satisfying, comfortable balance. Lucky you!

posted by Janelle at 9:45 AM 0 comments

Posted some pics

Check out some of my pictures which I have recently uploaded in my flickr.
posted by Janelle at 9:43 AM 0 comments

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Receiving directions

I was on my way to dinner with my parents. The normal route which we are used to taking had a very bad traffic jam. Thus I asked my dad who was driving to turn around and I will show him another way. He asked me how and I tried to explain to him but being my dad, he would not accept anything blindly. His remarks "that way can cut out?" "That road is it blocked?" "But isn't that a one way street?".

At the end, I just told him to trust me. I can bring you there faster than if we are to remain in this terrible jam. Truly, I did it.

Well this is not to tell you how wonderful I am in directions cause I often get myself lost as well. Though I am wonderful. haha.

This incident made me think about me and my relationship with God. God asks us to trust in Him. To listen to Him for guidance in our lives. Often we would have remarks like "Like that can ar?" "What if....." "But it is too......" "Are you sure you want me to....." "Is it you God?"

Through this incident, lesson learnt is that when we are receiving directions, we just listen and drive along. May not make sense to us but we trust in the person giving the directions that He would get us there. Whatmore if it is God. We cannot use our logic or our past experiences. We MAY hit some pot holes here and there (hard not to when you driving in Malaysia. They made it especially obvious since it is visit Malaysia year so that the tourist would not miss this Malaysian experience) but in the end, we have to listen and not ask too many questions if we are wanting to go where God is leading.

We may be listening to a lot of voices as well. All telling us what to doand where to go. God says "My sheep hears my voice". I was in Turkey and there are a lot of sheep along the road with one shepherd. Often times, I do not even see a dog or a horse around. The sheep just follows the shepherd and graze around where the shepherd stops. When the shepherd moves again, they will move together. It is quite amazing. No dog to control them. No need horses to move them along. They know their shepherd. Someone once told me that if you mix two herds from different shepherds, and when their respective shepherd moves, his flock will know to follow the right shepherd.

Father I trust in Your decisions for my life and lead me in the path of righteousness for Your name's sake. Let me recognise your voice. Guide me in the decisions that I have to make in my life's journey.
posted by Janelle at 6:42 AM 0 comments

Friday, May 04, 2007

The story of Moo

Found this in the internet somewhere. Thought it is cute...
To all the cow lovers out there, this is for you........

posted by Janelle at 8:02 PM 0 comments

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Beyond my expectations

I just came back from camp. I did not have any expectations at all for this camp. (Sorry that our backdrop is so disco tech-ish). No excitement for it till the first session. When I read about the speaker, to be honest, all that jump out at me was the 30 second kneeldown to pray. I thought that the whole camp was to be a prayer camp. A friend of mine later said that we kneel down to pray for 30 seconds every minute! I repent for judging. I guess I have this thing about prayer. I do like to pray and I do believe in prayer but many times, it can just be too "super spiritual". Something for God to deal with me.

For about one or two years now, I have been challenged by the church "system". About what we do in church. How we are Christians manufacturer. Manufacturing Christians who think and speak alike. I have been caught up in that myself. There was a young christian in my previous church and we are trying to disciple her to be a "good" christian. We told her how to pray. Asked her to go for prayer meetings. All the meetings that we have. If she did not go, we present her with a series of questions and try to persuade her that it was good for her. Her lifestyle have to be of a certain standard. She has to be involved in ministry in order to grow and "know God". We know the right things to do. The right things to say. What happened in the end was that this girl got so tired of playing church that she left church completely. Those of us who are still blinded by the "ideal" church still tries to live in that "ideal" state and tries to maintain the system. The same way of doing things. 5 fast song and 5 slow songs, the sermon, altar call and then church is done. Fellowship. 5 steps to happiness. Discipleship aka "Leadership" development. People who are there to make sure that church is functioning properly. Things are in order. Is this what God has called us to? To be happy in playing church? Putting on the mask everyweek to perform our "Christian duty" and for those more "spiritual" to come for midweek activities. Conferences. Cell groups. What happened to the church being for the people? We can argue that the structure is for the people but what if we take that away, do we then know how to "Play" church?

I always enjoyed going to Cambodia and India and Sri Lanka where the church is for the people. Though they try to copy what we are doing in our "Mega" churches but the small village church is a picture of what God has called us to. To be a blessing to the community around us. To bring the Kingdom of God in their midst. Where church is the expression of God's love in action.

This camp blew me away because on the first session, God addressed this issue. The speaker spoke about going back to our first love. We have been professional church goers. Knowing what to do and what to say. At times, even evangelism and praying for people can be out of a routine. Like what Malaysians would say "Close eye also can do le". But we need to go back to our first love. To do things out of love not routine and duty. Where is the expression of the kingdom? The power of the Holy Spirit? The space for God to move? Church has become a bless me club. Make me feel good about myself and our so called helping others are because it is our Christian duty to. It also assures me that I am alright and not just being rebellious or getting out of my mind.

It is comforting to hear this from a speaker from the US who is now staying in South Africa because you come to a realisation that God is placing this uneasiness in the hearts of many around the world so that truly His kingdom can come and His will can be done. We worship the same spirit who presents the same message. I long to see the manifestation of God. The signs. The miracles. The realness of the gospel come to life. The Kingdom of God expressed. Just think if this passion and desire is put in the hearts of people around the world, what would the church of God look like.

This is easier said than done cause if we really want that Kingdom to come, we have to be shaken out of our comfort zone. We have to be givers instead of receivers. Our life is not ours anymore. we have to loose control for Him to be in control. We have to break our mindset and our worldview.

This camp, God has once again challenged me. Reminded me of my calling. I cannot say that I can live that life of total abandanment to Him now. But I am willing for Him to lead me and teach me. I want to see His kingdom expressed. There has to be more than just be a professional church goer. To keep the Christians happy. To making sure that church is run smoothly.

He is slowly teaching me to see with eyes of faith. To trust even though I do not see the things I am trusting in. It is like walking in the path where you could only see one step in front of you. Once in a while, like a flas of lightning, you manage to catch a glimpse of what is in front but it is only in a flash of the eye. It is those flashes that keep me going. Having just a glimpse of what could be. I trust that He will not let me fall when I walk. It is scary and painful when he reveals the intents of my heart. I have to admit that a lot of my mindset and the way I do things is still very much according to what I was taught by the church but now I want to be taught by Him. Teach me Your ways so that I can walk in Your path. Keep me in this passion to want You will be done cause sometimes I just forget when my flesh gets in the way.
posted by Janelle at 8:31 PM 1 comments

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

God thinks you are Wonderful

It may be difficult for you
to believe that God knows your name....
but He does.
Written on His hand.
Spoken by His mouth.
Whispered by His lips.
Your name

"I have written your name on my hand." - Isaiah 49:16

You have captured the heart of God.
He cannot bear to live without you
God's dream is to make you right with Him
and the path to the cross
tells us exactly how far
God will go to call us back

"It is not our love for God; it is God's love for us in sending His Son to be the way to t ake away our sins" - 1 John 4:10

If you want
to touch God's heart,
Use the name He loves to hear
Call Him "Father"
He thinks you are wonderful

-Excerpts from the book "God thinks you're wonderful" by Max Lucado.
posted by Janelle at 8:28 PM 0 comments