My journey...

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Values of the Kingdom

Today we had a speaker from Canada who preaches about the Kingdom of God. Jesus talked about Kingdom many times during His life here on earth. Lately, there has been many talk about the Kingdom and I believe that God is shaking the hearts of His people, those who are wanting to follow Him, challenging them about their Christian life. What does it really mean to be a Christian? What is church all about? They are discontent about the church structures and systems and desire for His Kingdom. No more wanting to "play" church. No more wanting to build a name for themselves or comparing who has the best church program. Asking "How many members do you have in your church?" Who cares!! Am I glad that I serve a living God. A God of grace and mercy who in the condition of the church now still drawing people to Him.

The speaker told us that the Kingdom of God is like the pearl of great prize. Once you find it, you will sell everything you have to gain it. Well, not many if there are any who will sell all they have to follow Christ. Will I?

What is the Kingdom of God like? Are we even close to living it out? The speaker said that the values of the Kingdom is relationship with God and with one another. Everything is built upon love. Building relationships that is worth living for and that you are willing to die for. Taking care of each other yet being missional. Everything that we do has to be reaching out.

There is so much to ponder and so much to learn. I am not even close to living out that Kingdom. If I were to start, there has to be such great costs involve. Costs of my time and finance. Cost of giving up my dreams even for the sake of another person. Yet what we gain is far greater. If you loose your life for My sake, you would find it.

Certainly there are unrests in many hearts and many will be confused because many things we do in "church" looks nothing like what the kingdom is suppose to be. Yet we cannot forsake the dream of the Kingdom. We cannot say "I am out of here". We are the expressions of the Kingdom. Even if it is down to one person to live it out. The Kingdom is contagious. Do not give up on the church. There is hope because we serve a risen God. I am still hoping and learning to live out the kingdom as best as I understand it.
posted by Janelle at 5:13 AM


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