My journey...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Don't Put Me In Box

What is it about Christians that they think they have it all together. I am talking about Christians in general. And they think that what they understand about the gospel is the absolute gospel. Not only that, they will try to change your way of looking at the gospel in accordance to what their views are.

One person can interprete the gospel differently from another person but who is right? Yet both try to make one another think the way they do. Pushing God to the sidelines cause they think they know better.

Can one person really understand everything about God? How sure are we that our views are correct? Is there an absolute answer to God's ways. We cannot place God in a box cause he is a being. He is creative and all knowing. He does things differently all the time. Then why are we trying to make everyone think the same and do things in the same manner?

A friend told me that we learn from our "fathers of faith in the past". Yes we do learn from them. Their faith and what they understand about God. But ways and methods of doing things? How we exercise our faith?

Please do not judge and put me in a box. I am only trying to journey with God and walk the way I know best how to.
posted by Janelle at 7:40 PM 0 comments

Thursday, October 18, 2007


"Blessed are the single-hearted, for they shall enjoy much peace. If you refuse to be hurried and pressed, if you stay your soul on God, nothing can keep you from that clearness of spirit which is life and peace. In that stillness you will know what His will is." --- Amy carmichael

"You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving." -
-- Amy carmichael

"Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: that man is here for the sake of other men." --- Albert Einstein

"Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens." --- J. r. r. tolkien

posted by Janelle at 7:48 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Being Christian

"Being a Christian is the most difficult thing in my life yet it is also the most fulfilling" says a well-known athlete who is diagnosed with a terminal illness. I could relate to her at this point in my life. It is difficult holding on to faith and trusting God yet it is that faith that keeps me going. Knowing that He will never leave me nor forsake me.

Been wondering about PASSION. What is passion? Where was the passion that I once had. Willing to go anywhere and do anything for God without feeling tired. But is passion the gunghoness in a person? the "ra ra ra". The person who wants to get his or her hands into everything that is related to God. The person who never seems to get tired. Is that passion for God? Can a person be passionate yet it is an inward change. Not necessarily in doing but in being. But your inward change affect your outward action as well right?

SO then what is wrong with me? I do love the Lord. But my "ra ra ra passion" is diminishing.

Heard of these statements? "If you love the Lord you have to love going for prayer meetings. You need to jump and dance during worship cause you will have passion you can't contain. Just let it out. You would be so excited to want to get your hands into all sorts of ministry"

In wikipedia, passion of Christ is referred to the suffering of Christ leading to His crucifixion.

A passion for God. Love for God. One wise man told me love is a feeling but true love is a commitment despite the feeling. Perhaps as we are chasing after God, getting more passionate for Him, we get to know Him more and as we know Him more, we behold more of Him and become more like him. As we become more like Him, we cannot help it but have more love for people and that is when we serve out of that love relationship with Him. Not some superficial forced out passion that we imitate. To show people that we are Christians. Not something we have to do but something we want to.

Perhaps I am changing from being told what to do.... from a superficial forced out passion to an inward change. A deep rooted passion. But it sure is difficult being Christian. Maybe it will be easier if we do not try to figure out what is happening and just let it happen. Feel like I am in a cocoon metamorphosing (Of course I have never been in one. You would be worried if I have). Hopefully at the end of it, God's will be done and I become more and more like Him. Not a butterfly.
posted by Janelle at 10:18 PM 0 comments

Monday, October 15, 2007

John Piper on the prosperity gospel

posted by Janelle at 10:53 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I have been pondering about what prayer is. I know that it is talking to God. It is our means of communicating with the Father. But... I am sure you have heard of the phrase "Everytime I pray, I move the hands of God." Then are we more powerful than God? We are the ones telling Him what to do. It is then our will be done? Or this phrase PUSH - Pray until something happens. What if I am asking Him for a BMW 7 series or a tall dark and handsome man to come with it. I will still be hopeful to pray... till the cows come home?Or I have read somewhere that you do a prophetic line on the floor and the thing you want God to do you place on the other side of the line and you physically cross the line to take hold of that which He has given you. You take it by faith... Wah! Talk about desperation and violence. Again sounds a little bit manipulative. Are we trying to manipulate God?

SO what is prayer and how then do we pray? I do not exactly know. I just know that perhaps as we get to know Him more and as we are closer to Him in our walk, we would know how to pray. We no longer need a formula or pattern to follow. It is like when you know your lover, you would not need to think about what to say.

When we pray, we pray in accordance to what God is doing. It is not always something unreachable or unrealistic. But prayer is something real when we pray accordance to His will and it will come to pass. Back to our relationship with the Father. Like what Jesus says "I only do what the Father tells me to". Not us trying to move the hands of God.
posted by Janelle at 11:20 PM 2 comments

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Another personality test.

I did another myers-briggs test and this time, I have changed in my personality (which was done about 5 years ago) from mentor to advocate. Hrmm... This is what is says about me now.

"ENFPs are warm, enthusiastic people, typically very bright and full of potential. They live in the world of possibilities, and can become very passionate and excited about things. Their enthusiasm lends them the ability to inspire and motivate others, more so than we see in other types. They can talk their way in or out of anything. They love life, seeing it as a special gift, and strive to make the most out of it."

"Friends are what life is about to ENFPs, moreso even than the other NFs. They hold up their end of the relationship, sometimes being victimized by less caring individuals. ENFPs are energized by being around people. Some have real difficulty being alone, especially on a regular basis."

"ENFPs are energetic and enthusiastic leaders who are likely to take charge when a new endeavor needs a visionary spokesperson. ENFPs are values-oriented people who become champions of causes and services relating to human needs and dreams. Their leadership style is one of soliciting and recognizing others' contributions and of evaluating the personal needs of their followers. ENFPs are often charismatic leaders who are able to help people see the possibilities beyond themselves and their current realities. They function as catalysts."

ENFPs generally have the following traits:

ENFPs are lucky in that they're good a quite a lot of different things. An ENFP can generally achieve a good degree of success at anything which has interested them. However, ENFPs get bored rather easily and are not naturally good at following things through to completion. Accordingly, they should avoid jobs which require performing a lot of detailed, routine-oriented tasks. They will do best in professions which allow them to creatively generate new ideas and deal closely with people. They will not be happy in positions which are confining and regimented.

ENFPs take their relationships very seriously, but also approach them with a childlike enthusiasm and energy. They seek and demand authenticity and depth in their personal relationships, and will put forth a lot of effort into making things work out. They are warm, considerate, affirming, nurturing, and highly invested in the health of the relationship. They have excellent interpersonal skills, and are able to inspire and motivate others to be the best that they can be. Energetic and effervescent, the ENFP is sometimes smothering in their enthusiasm, but are generally highly valued for their genuine warmth and high ideals.

The classic temperament of an ENFP is Apollonian, or Choleric, for whom a basic driving force is the search for meaning or purpose.
posted by Janelle at 8:02 PM 0 comments