My journey...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Its not an App

The new craze in the world is tablets. I am not talking about the kind you consume when you are sick or the ones which God gave Moses. I am talking about the ipads, the galaxy tabs, iphones or android phones. Tablets are the "in thing" of today. An advertisement from Apple states "There is an app for that". I would like to remind us that there is no app for community. There is no app for the human touch. I agree that technology has made communications is very different and the world is made much smaller but nothing beats the human touch. We have "facebook" which is the online community but that too cannot replace 'face to face' meetings.

Have you heard of Cyber church? You do not even need to physically be in church. You can "attend" church right there in the comfort of your own home.

How easy is it for us to stay in our own "space" doing the things we are so busy with that we forget that God has intended for us to live in communities. Yes we can keep in touch when we are in front of the computer or on our phones but you and I know it is more than that.

Communities are not there so that we can have a social life. Something to occupy our time. Communities help us to stay on track. They are meant to encourage us in our journey. They are a source of encouragement and support. They pray for each other and help each other out. Jesus modeled real community not an app. Think of someone you can invite for coffee today.
posted by Janelle at 8:16 PM 0 comments