My journey...

Sunday, July 30, 2006

God the silent worker?

You danced over me
When I am unaware
You sing all around
But I never hear the sound

Above are words of a song and it made me think. "You sing all around but I never hear the sound." God is at work whether we feel it or know it or not. God is a silent worker and He works in our lives for His purpose and our own good because He loves us. So often in our walk, we wonder what is happening and where is God. Be assured that He is at work
posted by Janelle at 10:46 AM 0 comments

Knowing Vs Believing

I have been pondering on these two words for the past few days. Knowing and believing. We may know something but it does not mean we believe in it. By just knowing, it does nothing to us. For example, I may know that Jesus saves but if I do not believe that He does, it will not affect my life. It is when we believe in something that we are really changed or really act upon it. If I believe that carrot is really good for me, I may be buying carrots and eating it everyday. Though I may not see the results of eating carrots but I believe that it will do me good. That is faith.But if i know that carrots is good for me and do not eat it, it will just be knowledge to me.

Perhaps in our Christian walk, we know a lot of things. A lot of things about God and the bible. Sometimes we know too much but do we really believe in it? We know that He directs the steps of the righteous. Do we live in that knowledge or is it just head knowledge? Do we really trust Him with our lives? We know that He is our strength and our comfort. Do we believe in it? Why then do we struggle and doubt? We know that He is in the fiery furnace and that He delivered the 3 from being burnt. But when we are in our "fiery furnace" do we really believe that God will deliver us? Or do we struggle with our own strength?

There are too many Christians who know about God and know what he says but few actually believe it wholeheartedly.Few actually KNOW Him. Maybe it is our human tendency to want to be in control of our lives. Perhaps religion is just part of our lives. The part that will make us complete. Our career, family and social life (with the religion touch). Or maybe it is hard for us to trust in something that we have not experienced or that we do not see.

I do not claim that I my life is without doubt. But I am praying that God help me to believe.Not just a head full of facts but a heart engaged in You as well. Cause my walk with you to be real. To bring me closer to You in trusting in You with my WHOLE being.
posted by Janelle at 10:41 AM 2 comments

Be Still

I have been finding that I like the silence. Since my time in STM, I enjoy being still and know that He is God. To cease striving and know that He is God. I hardly turn on the radio when I am in the car anymore. In the silence shutting out the world and its noises.

I reflect in my stillness
A great God in His awesomeness
Reaching out in His graciousness
Sorting out my life's messiness

I reflect in my stillness
A great God in His awesomeness
Pouring out blessings in His goodness
Receiving them with a heart of gratefulness
posted by Janelle at 10:27 AM 0 comments


Without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith is believing in something without seeing. We all have faith in something. Whether it be God or ourselves or our friends. We can paint a perfect picture on what we want our lives to look like but often, faith requires us to trust even when life is nothing like that perfect picture.

Time and time again, God has challenged my faith in Him. Just when you think you trust in Him for something, it is that something that He challenges you in. But if I believe that God exists then I ought to believe in Him in totality. Should believe in all the promises He has given in the Bible. If not, then do I really believe that there is a God? For example, He said that He is a healer and that He heals. If I don't believe that, then why do I even believe in God? Even though I do not see it in my life, He is still the healer. He says that He has a plan for my life. Do I trust in Him with my life? When the road gets tough, it does not make Him less of a God. The challenge is not going through the trials but to believe that God is in the midst of it. That His plans and purposes still stands.

He is the "I AM" (my previous entry)I am determined to still believe in Him though my faith is shaken. Tho the picture I paint for my life is different from what He wants. I will still trust in Him. His will be done. Where else can I go? Who else can I trust in if not Him? Yet will I praise Him. My Lord and my King.
posted by Janelle at 10:24 AM 0 comments

God is the I Am

At times life does not make sense. Yet you know that God is still in control. He said "I Am".

I Am strong when you are weak.

I Am able when you are not.

I Am your peace when you are in turmoil

I Am your comfort when you are hurting.

I Am wisdom when you are lost

I Am knowledge when you need it.

I Am light in the midst of your darkness

I Am the way

I Am your shepherd who will guide you

I Am the healer when you are sick

He is a lot more things that I am slowly discovering. In the path of that discovery, life does not make sense yet He is the constant. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. It is in knowing who He is that will draw me closer to Him. Causing me to understand a bit more about what His Kingdom is like. Bringing His Kingdom here on earth.

Reveal more of Yourself to me God....

To You my eyes will gaze

Though everything is in a daze

I shall not act in haste

but will be still and know your ways
posted by Janelle at 10:19 AM 0 comments

Need to do this to post my pic

posted by Janelle at 10:08 AM 0 comments

Need to do this to post my pic

posted by Janelle at 10:05 AM 0 comments

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Leading or Guiding

As a leader you have to be of a certain standard. You need to be always one step ahead of those you are leading otherwise those whom you are leading will not progress beyond you. Sounds of my past....

Lately also I have been wondering about the whole issue of mentoring and discipling. What really is our role as a leader? Is it to produce people after ourselves or people after the heart of God? So that we produce everyone who act or speak in the same manner? Think in the same way? Or is it to help people discover who they are in God? It says, Follow me as I follow Christ.

I have two words which came to me. Leading Vs Guiding.

Leading - we are ahead of those we are leading
Guiding - we are walking beside them. Hand in hand and at times we may not know who is leading

Leading - Teacher/ mentor to student relationship. I know better than you. Follow me.
Guiding - Friendship. We are equals. Walking together in this journey. I may have more knowledge but we are equals learning together.

Leading - we are producing clones after ourselves
Guiding - we are producing people after the heart of God
(God created each one of us as individuals. Certainly not everyone have the same gifting and calling. Not everyone need to speak the same or look the same... thank God )

Leading - we need to know where we are going and bring the people there
Guiding - may not know where we are going but we help the other person discover where God is leading. Together we walk the journey together
(As a leader we need not know everything)

Leading - Its structure and principles
Guiding - Its about the heart and values. It's a lot about helping the other person discover who they are in God and their destiny in God.

In guiding, we may not know who is guiding.But we know the God is the person whom we want to follow. His Kingdom is what we want to see here on earth. At times you may need the help of those you are discipling to bring you closer to God. At times they need your help.Weakness in "the leader"? Its ok. After all we are all walking in the same direction. Encouraging each other to grow in God.

Perhaps when it is said follow me as I follow Christ is to follow my heart after God. Imitate my passion and desire for Him. To see His kingdom come on earth.

This is still very much new to me. It is so much easier said than done. So much easier to tell people what to do than to see them stumble and fall. To try to help them pick up the pieces and make sense of it all. To help them discover who they are in Christ and to help them maybe walk a road that I myself may not have walked before simply because God may have a different calling or experience for them. This is when I appreciate the community. Together we encourage one another and it is not the responsibility of one to help one. Together we are on this journey to discovering God. Together we create an environment that allows "spiritual formation". That allows us to discover God for ourselves. To discover His will for our individual lives. Together we allow God room to cause growth in us. We have only one goal. To see His kingdom come and His will be done.
posted by Janelle at 1:39 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Decided to start my own official blog site

I have decided to be an official blogger. Multiply is not working for me. I am forcing people to join multiply in order to post any comments... So I decided to be more people friendly.
posted by Janelle at 8:08 PM 2 comments