My journey...

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Knowing Vs Believing

I have been pondering on these two words for the past few days. Knowing and believing. We may know something but it does not mean we believe in it. By just knowing, it does nothing to us. For example, I may know that Jesus saves but if I do not believe that He does, it will not affect my life. It is when we believe in something that we are really changed or really act upon it. If I believe that carrot is really good for me, I may be buying carrots and eating it everyday. Though I may not see the results of eating carrots but I believe that it will do me good. That is faith.But if i know that carrots is good for me and do not eat it, it will just be knowledge to me.

Perhaps in our Christian walk, we know a lot of things. A lot of things about God and the bible. Sometimes we know too much but do we really believe in it? We know that He directs the steps of the righteous. Do we live in that knowledge or is it just head knowledge? Do we really trust Him with our lives? We know that He is our strength and our comfort. Do we believe in it? Why then do we struggle and doubt? We know that He is in the fiery furnace and that He delivered the 3 from being burnt. But when we are in our "fiery furnace" do we really believe that God will deliver us? Or do we struggle with our own strength?

There are too many Christians who know about God and know what he says but few actually believe it wholeheartedly.Few actually KNOW Him. Maybe it is our human tendency to want to be in control of our lives. Perhaps religion is just part of our lives. The part that will make us complete. Our career, family and social life (with the religion touch). Or maybe it is hard for us to trust in something that we have not experienced or that we do not see.

I do not claim that I my life is without doubt. But I am praying that God help me to believe.Not just a head full of facts but a heart engaged in You as well. Cause my walk with you to be real. To bring me closer to You in trusting in You with my WHOLE being.
posted by Janelle at 10:41 AM


I read your posting with keen interest. If I can I would like to suggest that The Apostles of Jesus, at first, had a difficult time believing & trusting Jesus' words & parables. They couldn't understand His teachings & therefore couldn't believe. Their knowledge was of the world & Jesus spoke of spiritual things. Their full knowledge & understanding came when they walked in the Way of Jesus' Teachings. Their Faith became strong and alive as they put flesh onto the word. Jesus' teachings are a way of life.

9:09 AM  

Thanks for stopping by. I do not know you but thank you also for your comment. It is true.

3:04 AM  

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