My journey...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

In the name of "purest theology"

Read a report written by a member of a church in one of the asian country. Speakers from the west (no offence intended to all you from western countries) are going into the churches in this asian country and preaching about their denomination instead of Christ and dividing the church. When they were contronted about it, they flatly said that their teaching is the "purest theology".

When I read that, I nearly cried. What has the state of the church become?. Purest theology??

I wonder how many have built a "biblical theology" around their own ideas. Promoting their own ideas. Building their own kingdom. Not bothered if the church of God is divided. So many teachings today... you wonder what's right and what's not. Many concepts and so called "theories" that I have learnt over the years, a lot seem to be "purest theology" but found out that I have to relearn. Its like God smashing your foundations and building on it all over again. I thank God that I serve a sovereign and gracious God.

I read further this article and it reads... Last year a western missionary offered a house church leader, that if she would turn over her underground Bible school students to him, he would generously support her, her family and "fully accept the financial burden of the entire training school". With condition that she could no longer associate with another ministry. They "belong" to the church which supports them. The home church leader immediate recognised that this is divisive.

My heart sank. Probably they had good intentions to support the home church and wanted to do the best they know how. I do not know. But there has been too much "control" and "mine" in the Kingdom of God. Is this also part of their "purest theology"?
posted by Janelle at 12:36 AM


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