My journey...

Monday, February 26, 2007

The foolishness of men ....................................... The treasures of the Kingdom

We often refer to the things of the world and the things of the Kingdom of God as upside down to each other. When we grow up embracing the things of this kingdom, we need to relearn our worldview when we want to embrace that which is of God.

For example, in society today, you earn all that you have. You need to work hard. You need to keep the treasures which are yours. It is foolishness to give it away. But in the Kingdom of God, we are taught to lay down our lives for one another. The more we give, the more we receive. Of course we need to work hard as well. But all that we have is His. I am in no way disregarding God's blessings of wealth in a person. It is up to individuals what they see as treasures. The best things in life, money can't buy. How do they see themselves as rich. Someone may have all the wealth in the world but may not consider himself rich. Yet some with very little can consider himself rich.

Another example, there is nothing that is for free in this world. Even in certain religions, you need to work to earn god's love. If you ask god for a favor, you need to repay him. We have to do something to earn that acceptance. We need to work our way to a higher stand in god. But in God's Kingdom, He gave His love freely to us. He sent His only Son to die for us so that we may live. We love because He first loved us. It is God who made the first move towards us. He accepted us as who we are.

In this world, to be someone great, you need power and often, in society, people control people to feel that sense of greatness. That sense that they have achieved something. They have the made it in this world to have people listen to them. A great leader. But in His kingdom, we are called to be servants. To be the greatest is to be the least. To humble ourselves to serve rather than to be served.

Society today is everyone for themselves. We do not even know who our neighbours are or what they do. We live for ourself. We live to fulfill our needs. Our needs of food, shelter, friends and love. Sadly, we never seem to be fulfilled this way. Then when you reach the end of your road, you will be wondering what is life all about. But God placed us in communities to live for each other. The love we found in Him over flows through us to the lives of our "neighbours". To open our eyes to the needy and the hurting and the poor. To extend that love to meet practical needs.

How can one understand this Kingdom of God living in this upside down world. What impact will it have if we follow the ways of the Kingdom of God in our journey in life? To live life as God intended. To what extent are we willing to live out that Kingdom knowing that some people will mock us and laugh at us. Giving remarks like "Don't be such a fool. It is the millenium. Nobody live like that anymore." What does it take to stop us living out that expression of the Kingdom of God?

Unfortunately you are not able to read the words in the picture I have attached with this entry. It says "If you do not practice, you will not be able to anymore, then you will be too old." I pray that as I grow older, I will not be too set in my ways until I am not able to embrace the ways of the Kingdom of God in my journey.
posted by Janelle at 7:35 AM


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