My journey...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Form without life

Got my title from our sunday service message. Raj was mentioning about how even in the charismatic churches, we have certain practices which have been there for a long time and once upon a time brought life but now they are just practices. For example, how we pray a certain way. Worship a certain way. Even preach a certain way and we think that if we do not do it that way, then the Holy Spirit will not come. Or the "power" is not strong enough. We fail to recognise that our God is a living God. He is a creative God. And the anointing or "power" does not come if we do things a certain way. It comes from working with God. Listening to Him.

Even in our lives, I have been a Christian for about 20 years now. (Yeah been a Christian since I was one years old.... hahaha) but I know how to talk the talk and walk the walk. I know what I need to do as a good Christian. I can act a christian in church or even among friends. However, is that just a form? Is that just playing Christian but no life of God? I know how to pray for people. I know what are the prayers to say when I want to pray for healing or when I need to pray for deliverance. It is almost mechanical. But is there life? Life that comes from that close walk with God. Listening to Him. Walking with Him. Adoring Him. Acknowledging Him in all that we do. What good is it if I have character but no life. People in church knows me as "good girl" and will be shocked if I am to be really disobedient.... but what good is that if all I do is mechanical and form without that life of God within me?

How many people who go to church play church. Come Sunday, they put on a show? Doing all the right things. reciting all the right prayers using the right jargons.

My heart's cry.. I will not live that mechanical life and that other's will be touched with that life flowing through me.
posted by Janelle at 7:21 AM


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