My journey...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Am I believing in What I think I should be believing In?

In the past years, there have been so many movements and "theology" that arose claiming to be from God with the backing of the Bible. Yet many times, I find that I have to relearn what I have learnt and how do I know what I am learning now is really of God? Or just another theology formed by man? Lessons from our fathers passed on from generations to generations? Are what they are passing on The truth? Have you played chinese whispers? The game which you have to whisper the message from one person to another and when it reaches the last person, you will most definately get a laugh out of it. Wonder who invented that game. Why do they call it chinese whispers anyway? What has chinese got to do with it? hrmm..

Back to my original train of thought... I saw the movie Luther and how the Roman Caotholic Fathers believed that what they are believing in is the true gospel and only Roman Catholics will go to heaven. They did things in the name of God and believed it to be from God. As long as the "Church" is growing and the "religion" is protected.

I am glad i serve a living God. I believed He raised Martin Luther to challenge the religious leaders in his day. To bring His people to return to the truth of the gospel. I guess that is why our faith is a journey. Our living out His Kingdom here on earth is a journey. As we communicate with Him and with others. We learn from Him and from each other. With His guidance. I cannot deny the existance of God cause He is so real to me. It is the discovering of Him in my journey. The living out of my life ... my "Full" life here on earth.

So here I am, learning to live out my Christian Faith. Learning the ways of the Kingdom and trusting in Him that He will lead me in the right path. Afterall, it is my heart condition that is the most important right? A heart after Him. A heart longing to please Him.

How do I know what's truth in my belief,
Or am I just like the pharisee

All in the name of "faith" you see

or could it just be me

Yet I cannot deny my experience

However small it may be
The Lord so real to me

His presence my reality

What's truth and what's not,

this journey that I walk with God

Theology, Phylosophy, is that the lot
or my experience with the living God.

posted by Janelle at 3:10 AM


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