My journey...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

God knows

I went to the dentist the other day and he said that my wisdom tooth was growing nicely because I had a tooth extracted long ago. So the wisdom tooth has space to grow and need not be extracted. I always feared having my wisdom tooth removed. After hearing stories of how painful it is to remove the wisdom tooth and how sometimes they need to cut a lot of the gum to remove it. Ouch.

I remembered that I had removed my tooth as a child and how painful I thought it was. Yet now, I was thankful that I had that tooth removed so that I do not have to endure removing my wisdom tooth now. Which is more painful. It created space for my wisdom tooth to grow.

Sometimes, when we go through difficult times, we do not see what space it created for another to grow. God in His wisdom knows that we have to go through certain difficulties in life so that we do not have to suffer more in the future. Or so that it allows space for another thing to grow in our life. We may not understand the trials that we have to endure now but we need not understand. We need to trust. Though it may be the most difficult thing to do then. Maybe one day we realise what the suffering was for. Maybe we may not know. But He can turn ALL things for His good and glory.

Sometimes in our suffering, it not only allows things in our life to grow but it can help another to go through the same difficult situation. It can be a blessing to help another go through s similar situation because we know how it feels. It can encourage each other to persevere together. Allowing our faith to grow.

posted by Janelle at 9:40 PM


Lovely thought. (No, I mean it.) Thank you. :-)

10:23 PM  

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