My journey...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


It is easier said than done. Trust. Sometimes in trusting Him, it makes me think if He even exist. Life is a journey. Life in the Kingdom is a greater journey. Often filled with test and lessons. The longer the journey, the tougher the test. The greater the lessons.

I was pondering upon Faith. Abraham, our Father of faith still doubted God and put things in his own hands and slept with his maid despite the promise of a son. The promise of offspring greater than the stars in the sky.

How hard it is to trust. How difficult it is to hang on to faith when situations seem so bleak. You keep believing in that miracle yet it does not seem to come. Or perhaps our miracle is wanting things done our way. "It has to happen this way Lord." When we say we have faith, at the back of our mind, we want it to turn out this way or that. And if it goes into another direction, we give up hope. Maybe we should be like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who was thrown into the fiery furnace and they said "My God shall save me but even if He does not we will still worship Him."

No matter what our testing or trial, no matter if our prayers were answered, or not, we will still serve Him. Is that faith? To totally abandon oneself to Him? No matter the outcome. Trusting that His ways are higher than ours. As I started out saying, "It is easier said than done." We will surely have heartbreaks and times of saddness. Having faith does not mean we are void of emotions. Despite the emotions, we still say we trust in Him. Trust in the outcome no matter how much it will hurt.

Countless people have turn from their faith cause they say that there is no God. How can there be. If there is a God, my wife will not die. I will not loose my father. I will not be suffering so. I will not be jobless. They rely on their emotions to be their guide. Living in this world how can there be no suffering. But it is through this suffering that we discover God .... if we allow Him to be found.

I find it difficult to trust. The pain is much greater than my faith. Yet, where am I to go? He has the word of eternal life. Through this pain I can see the reality of God still. But the pain remains. It is like you have cut yourself and you go to the doctor to get it stiched. The pain still remains but you are getting treated. God is there to treat my pain but it is still there and God is there.

Nobody but God can tell the future. Nobody but God has your best interest at heart. Who am I to trust but Him.
posted by Janelle at 12:35 AM


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