My journey...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

We Are the Light

I was reading a forum entry and this person (X) who quoted "You are the Light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden" Matt 5:14. He said that we are to shine for Christ. Which I agree. However, in the context of the forum, they were talking about our weakness and trials. That Christians are human too and have weaknesses. Christians too go through suffering and trials. X did not agree simply in the context of this verse saying that "we are not to show our weakness otherwise people will not see the difference between Christians and non-Christians and will not come into the Kingdom. We are the light in darkness". I think that this sad. Even sadder when I know that this is how many Christians thinks.

We cannot in our own effort be righteous. It is not our righteousness that win people to the kingdom but Christ. This is the reason why people in church are the ones who put on masks. More so than non-Christians. Because of the righteousness "standard" that is expected of them. A false expectation. They have to not show their weakness. Because Christians should live a "victorious" life.

God calls us to be more Christlike. Our righteousness comes as we come closer to Him. We still do have weaknesses. If not, we shall be God. It is ok to show weakness cause then we can show the strength of our God. That we cannot do it but God can. We cannot walk this road of suffering but God can help me. It is in these trials that God is revealed through us. It is in our response to God that people can see Him. That He is real and living and His life is intertwined with ours.

The fruits of the spirit is love, patience, kindness, perseverance, goodness, joy, peace..... but these are the FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT. Comes when we behold Him. When allow Him to change us from glory to glory. Not in our own strength trying to be righteous. Even when there is more of Christ and less of us, it is what God can do through us in our human weakness. Our character and response to trials.

Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. Not those who wait upon the Lord, all your cares will be gone. Or all your problems will be over. BUT that He shall renew our strength. When we feel we cannot go on anymore, we look to Him and He gives us more strength to go on. Then He helps us to carry on.

If we present a Christian who has no problems in life then how can others even relate to us? We are way high up there and they cannot even reach us. If they do, they will try to put themselves high up cause they think that this is how Christians shall live. Forever in denial. This is called escapism. Not faith.

Recently I read of the story of a lady who has lost her son. He went hiking in a national park and went missing. He was never found. His mother still hopes that he is alive. Which mother would not hope that. But she said "it does not matter being right or wrong (People have said they see visions of him being alive which gave her that hope too). It's capturing God's heart and pursuing relentlessly. To run the ways of His commandments and find Him there". She was thankful that her son has pursued God his whole life. That God is still God and to be praised. That in her suffering God gave her strength. Bad things still do happen to Christians but how do we go through them that matters.

That is the faith that people will see and be drawn to. The God who is real in our life. A God who gives strength. Her faith gives the picture of a great God. Even in her weakness.

I pray that through my life journey with Him, that others will see Christ in me. Not in my own "perfection". But in the trials that I go through, may He be seen. May His strength and character be seen. May I never loose sight of Him. Especially when the going gets tough.
posted by Janelle at 8:15 PM


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