My journey...

Monday, September 08, 2008

The miracle of prayer

For sometime now, I have been wondering about prayer. I know we are to pray as Christians but I cannot seem to get away from the legalistic idea of prayer. There is even a song which says "Everytime we pray, we move the hand of God." Do we? Or are we given the privilege to participate in what He is doing? So if we do not pray then God will not act? It is like to me a picture of God waiting for us to give him permission to do something. Who then is God?

Prayer seem to be something that is forced upon us to do and it is almost mechanical in the way we do it. At least to me. So as I embark on this journey of discovering again about prayer, I stumbled upon a quote. "Prayer is a miracle".

Why is prayer a miracle? Because when we pray, it is not just words that we utter. It is not just going through a list of what we want. It is not just communicating with God but it is expecting our prayers to be answered. Probably not in a way that we would expect it to be answered. But as we pray, we expect that God is listening and that He WILL answer. That is our miracle. Something that the human ability cannot do. Not that we move God's hands but we leave it to Him.

When we pray we are agreeing with God what He is already doing. We are claiming His promises. Things that He already has promised us, we take hold of it and see it come to pass. That is a miracle. He promise that He will never leave us nor forsake us. And He will not. So when we pray "God please do not leave us." We take hold of that promise. He promise healing. Though we may not always see it happening. But He is still a God who heals. That is a fact and we are taking hold of that fact. Praying and believing it into pass. When we pray, we expect something to happen and that is God's miracle.

We can never understand why some prayers will be answered yet so many are left unanswered. Someone told me it is because of our faith. We do not have faith enough that is why God did not answer. Then are we saying that God is dependent on us to act? When Jesus performed his miracles, I wonder how much faith each person receiving the miracles had. Of course people argue that it says in the bible that Jesus could not perform many miracles in his own town because of their lack of faith. But there were also miracles which He perform where the people do not know who He was. So prayer is a miracle. We may not know but we trust that whatever the outcome, God is in control and that when we pray, His will gets done. God's ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts higher than ours.

I am still on this journey to understand more about prayer. Still open for Him to teach me.

posted by Janelle at 12:05 AM


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