My journey...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Petition

A friend of mine sent me the below petition and already 595 people from all around the world have signed it.

Do you remember February 1993 when a young boy of 3 was taken from a Liverpool shopping centre by two 10-year-old boys?

Jamie Bulger walked away from his mother for only a second, JonVenables took his hand and led him out of the mall with his friend Robert Thompson.

They took Jamie on a walk for over 2 and a half miles, along the way stopping every now and again to torture the poor little boy who was crying constantly for his mommy.

Finally they stopped at a railway track where they brutally kicked him, threw stones at him, rubbed paint in his eyes, pushed batteries up his anus and cut his fingers off with scissors.

Other mutilations were inflicted but not reported in the press. What these two boys did was so horrendous that Jamie's mother was forbidden to identify his body.

They then left his beaten small body on railway tracks so a train could run him over to hide the mess they had created.

These two boys, even being boys, understood what they did was wrong, hence trying to make it look like an accident.

This week Lady Justice Butler-Sloss has awarded the two boys anonymity for the rest of their lives when they leave custody with new identities.

They will also leave custody early only serving just over half of their sentence. They are being relocated to Australia to live out the rest of their lives. They disgustingly and violently took Jamie's life away and in return they each get a new life! Please .

If you feel as strongly as we do, that this is a grave miscarriage of justice .. Copy this entire email and paste into a new email then add your name at the end, and send it to everyone you can!

As a normal human being, when we read such injusice, we would automatically react. How can these two boys do such an inhumane act. How can they be given freedom. I do not even know if this is a true story or someone wanting to see how many people he can get to sign the petition. After reading the story, I too was angry. But as I thought about my journey as a Christian, our challenge is "how do we love such a person who we feel are enemies of the world". We are called to love even our enemies. What is their worth as a person? Yes they have committed a terrible act but they still have their worth.

Christ died for such a person too. Sin is sin. We are sinners saved by grace. Put yourself in their shoes. We do not deserve salvation from sin. Though we may not have done such horrible acts like these two boys has. We do not deserve to be loved unconditionally by God. We do not deserve to enter His presence and to walk together with Him yet God provided a way for us through Christ. Even though we have hurt Him very much by crucifying His son, by worshipping idols, by turning our backs on Him, by taking Him for granted, by using His name in vain, our unbelieve, by the way we live, yet He still longs for our companionship. He still longs for us to return to Him.

I remember a story told to me a long time ago. This person's parents and family were killed and torchured by Nazi and he was very scarred by it. Yet he came to experience the love of God and it completely changed his perspective in life. He was even able to hug the soldier who apparently killed his family. He found foegiveness and salvation in God and was able to forgive and love those whom he once hate.

Everyone is given the same amount of love if only we are willing to accept it. It is amazing what love can do. Espescially given to those who do not deserve it. Jesus is our greatest example. He gave His life for us who do not deserve it.

I do not want to judge whether these boys deserve to be locked up the rest of their lives. It is not for me to judge. My question is, are we able to love such as these like Christ love us? The message of the Cross.
posted by Janelle at 3:19 AM


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