My journey...

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Consistant Bonding

You know you have not been at home much when your own dog growls at you. My little Mickey growled at me when I tried to get near him. Then yesterday, he even barked at me when I came home. I am a stranger to my dog. This is so sad. I love him so much despite him growling at me. It breaks my heart to see him treat me as a stranger. I will try to make him like me again by giving him treats and hugging him. Then he will be ok for a while till he feel that I am a treat to him again.

I reflect on my relationship with God. At times I may complain to Him about a situation that I am in. Even blame Him for misfortunes that happens but He still loves me unconditionally. How it must break His heart when I do not respond or I so called "Growl" at him.

Then I reflect upon Christians. How God must feel at times when He have to give us treats so that we continue to love Him. Some Christians base their lives on sensationism. I must feel good. It is all about feelings. It is all about blessing me. Christianity is all about everything going right for me. If not, then we go to our corner and sulk and wonder if God loves me. If it is not going well for me then, God is not even in my picture. I can picture God being busy just trying to keep these people happy or does He?

Then again to some, it is the opposite. If everything is going well, who needs God. I am alright on my own. But when the going gets tough, then that is when they will pray like never before. Blessings is their main agenda. They come to church so that God can see them being "holy" and bless them.

Whatever our perception or view is, it all boils down to relationship. Our understanding of God and His kingdom. A constant walk. A constant seeking. I better stop here and have "bonding" time with my dog. Hee hee.
posted by Janelle at 7:19 AM


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