My journey...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Faith brings Joy?

I am preparing for "Youth Camp" tomorrow and reading the book of Romans, one of the title before the chapter reads, "Faith brings Joy". I am pondering at that thought. We are called into a life that follows the life of Christ. A life that is different from the ones of this world. We are to become more and more like Christ. As we do that, our desires and our heart's cry will also be that of Christ. I look around me today and see so many catastrophies. So many suffering. So many in-justice. So much pain. Not only amongst the poor but those in the church. Our neighbours. So many things around us that will break the heart of God. As we walk closely with God, these things breaks our hearts too. How can there be joy? I wonder what was Christ's emotions when He was walking on earth. The actions of the Pharisees, the in justices, the poverty, the bickering between friends and members of the same family. Does it break His heart? Yet in Romans we are called to rejoice because of our faith. We are called to joyfully look forward to share God's glory.

I guess as I ponder about this, there are joys that comes along our way when we walk with Him. I rejoice when I see a glimpse of the kingdom of God. I rejoice when I see the hand of God at work. I rejoice when I see the love of God being shared in the lives of believers. I rejoice when I see people walking in the purposes of God's will.

I remember when I took the youth to the handicapp center and I see the youth sharing their lives with the handicapp kids. Sharing some of the love of God. I rejoice. I remember that I went there wanting to share what I have but in return, this girl probably about late twenties (the girl in the picture)came and shared love with me. She did not care who I was. She showed me unconditional love. Sharing her color pencils with me. Holding on to my hand as I colored. In her eyes I saw that she was genuine in her wanting to be friends. It touched my heart. I am a stranger to her. I thought I have something to give yet I am being taught how to love. Yes it is at moments like these that I rejoice because I know my God lives. In the hearts of these people and amongst them. They may not understand about the 5 steps to salvation. They may not even understand the concept of sin but they understand what it is to love.

Is that a picture of our faith. Not to analyze too much but to accept. Coming into His Kingdom as a child? To come to Him to be loved and to love. To find that joy amongst that love. To keep our eyes on Him no matter what. To find that hope. Faith brings joy? As we see His kingdom comes on earth, we can experience that joy. Yet before the kingdom is here in its fullness, we will have that saddness because the world is in the state that it is in. The chuch is not in its perfect state. Our heart will break with the things that break His heart. There will always be this tension till His kingdom is here completely.
posted by Janelle at 8:45 AM


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