My journey...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Soul Action

Soul Action was our Community project "event" for the year. Putting our worship to God in action. Giving the glory back to Him. The highlight of the event was that we went to a marginalised and poorer community to help them clean up their place. We did not do much to the place. Unclog their drains and attempted to paint their corridors. I am not surprised that they are dirty again. But the longer lasting impression that we did was in the hearts of the people. Both of the participants and of the people in the community. They will remember a bunch of Christians going into the place they call home and help them clean up. Going into their drains (literally) to clean their filth. Playing with their children and lavishing them with gifts.

I am reminded from the conference that we are doing this not because we have pity on them for the condition that they are in. Not because we feel that we are better than them in our living standards but because we see them as God sees them. His precious creation and we want to bless them and share some of the love of God. Be God's hands and feet reached out to them. To let them know that they are loved and not forgotten and not wanting anything in return. Without strings attached.

The highlight for my day was to see the children working together with our youth. To see the youth being so accepting of them. At the end of the day, there are a few children who came to me to "salam" (act of appreciation). My heart melted. Just one day of showing them love and they are so responsive and appreciative. There are so many needs out there. Of course we cannot meet them all but sometimes, we can make a difference to just one person by our obedience to God. Just showing a little love goes a long way.

It reminds me of the story of the man with the star fish. I am sure it has been circulated in the internet. And it goes something like this. A man was walking along the beach and there was a lot of star fishes that has been washed ashore. He began to pick them up one by one and throw them back into the sea so that they will not die of dehydration or of being out of water. Another guy comes along and said to the man, what difference is that going to make. There are so many star fishes on the shore. Surely you cannot throw them all back in. Then the man picked up one star fish and threw it into the sea and said "I made a difference to that one". Picked up another and said "I made a difference to that one too".

There were many people who came from the community that we were serving that day but I am sure it made a difference to at least one soul. I know that Daddy in heaven was smilling down at us on that day. It is not that we want to teach them to be clean and to take care of the cleanliness of the place from now on because that probably will not happen but we want them to know that they are loved and that they matter to at least this group of people who care to go to them.

posted by Janelle at 8:44 AM


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