My journey...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Masterpiece

Have you ever seen a painter a work? He begins with a sketch of what he wants to paint. But it is only he who will know what the finish product will look like. No one else could imagine what he sees in his head. Then he begin to slowly mix the colors to his perfection and slowly starts to add layers of colors to the canvas. Initially it may not seem much of a picture. Just blobs of paints here and there. Then as time goes by, the picture becomes clearer and clearer. We begin to behold the beauty of the master piece that is in the mind of the painter. Then when it is complete, everything becomes clear and beautiful.

God is the master painter in our life. Each step that we take in our life completes a part of the whole picture that He has in mind for us. At times, we will not see where our journey fits in the whole picture and we may even think that it is not suppose to be cause it makes the picture looks kinda weird. But as we journey along with the master painter, He will begin to paint the picture of our life like He intended it to be. He has that picture since the begining of time. He has thought of every color and every detail in the journey of our life. He will complete that which He started. He may not reveal to us what the finish product will look like but that is our adventure with Him. Together the master piece is created. Together the colors are added on. Slowly, you will begin to see the big picture. The completed picture but there is no short cut. You have to go through the journey in your life to see it.We may be anxious to see the finish product but patience is a virtue. We need to trust in our creator. Our master painter that His master piece will indeed be a unique piece of work.

Each step I take in life
Though I seem to strife
Given to the creator of this life
Creates a masterpiece with my life

posted by Janelle at 7:43 PM


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