My journey...

Saturday, June 09, 2007

More on solitude

Solitude is not just an action of being silent or being alone. Not every silence is productive for coming to solitude. All quietness does not lead to inner peace. How are we feeding and naturing our inner self through solitude? Of course our inner being can be fed through many different ways. Solitude is one which is talked about alot in my journey lately. But solitude does not mean being alone. It is a productive stillness. Being alone with God. Having laid aside our daily cares, we bend to our inner ear to listen carefully to our inner voice, the voice that speaks to us beyond the many voices ofour anxious, our pragmatic, our socialised self.

There is a need for solitude. "silence is the way of the word" Henri Nouwen. Not just any word. We need to hear the voice of creativity. The voice of the Spirit. The voice of our hopes and dreams. The voice that gently turns us around and sets us on a better path. The voice that can nurture our inner self.

The more we learn to hear this voice, the clearer it will become to us. We then will not only be simply doing that which is expected of ue but what is creatively new. Learning to walk and work with God.
posted by Janelle at 9:27 AM


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